Saturday, January 8, 2011

And They Call It Puppy Love

We spent New Year's Eve with friends of ours who happen to have a dog, a yellow lab named Wrigley. Lenin hasn't been around dogs too much, so we weren't sure how he was going to react. To our surprise, Lenin was in puppy love by the end of the night. He wanted to lay on the dog and touch the dog. Lenin even got upset if Wrigley turned his head away for a second. Luckily for us, Wrigley is a very patient and loving dog and didn't mind all the attention from Lenin. We ended up spending the night there and Wrigley even decided to join Brian, Lenin, and I on the full size bed we were sharing for the night. It was definitely a cuddlefest. Seeing Lenin and Wrigley interacting made me want to get a dog....for about a split second. Then I remembered the dogs come with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of hair! Maybe when the kids are older and we can delegate doggy responsibilities, but until then we will have to settle for the dogs owned by our friends and family.

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